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Top Ten

#1  I'm a food junkie. I love eating and trying food of all types. One of my goals in life is to travel the world sampling cuisine from all of the wonderful cultures out there.



#2 I love technology. I enjoy researching the new and latest advancements no matter what type of technology the advancements take place in, particularly advances in mobile and computational technology.

#3 I am a complete anglophile. I enjoy tea, Doctor Who, Sherlock and in general the British culture. I will also unintentionally spell things the British way such as, colour, or centre.

#4 My choice of music is 80's-90's rock or comedy. Some of my favorite bands are Areosmith, Blue Oyster Cult (It needs more cowbell), Queen, Journey, "Weird" Al Yankovic, and Lonely Island. This doesn't mean I don't secretly like some of the modern music, such as Taylor Swift and Fall Out Boy.

#5 My family and I watch youtube almost as commonly as we watch TV. We commonly watch channels such as Rhett and Link, Tomska, Vat19, and The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon. When I am alone or on my computer I watch Epic Rap Battles Of History, Cinema Sins, and a variety of nerdy informational shows.

#6 Netflix and Apple Tv have changed my life. While they haven't changed my life in a super deep way they have changed how we watch tv. We no longer have to wait through boring commercials, we can start and stop episodes on a whim, and binge watching is now a thing. Gone are the days of hoping and praying that a channel will have a marathon of our favorite TV show, now we just have to log onto Netflix and we can watch as many shows, in a row, as we want.

#7 GOOOAAAALLL!!! I love playing and watching soccer. I have been playing soccer since about age three and I have continued it ever since then. While I am not the best player when it comes to skills I can use my knowledge of angles and geometry to place the ball where it needs to go.

#8 Reading. Ever since I was extremely young I have loved reading, my parents read to me as I child and I developed reading skills extremely early in life. If you were to walk in my room you would find that the walls are lined with bookshelves full to the brim with books. I prefer to read either nonfiction or really any book that isn't a cookie cutter of every single book out there.

#9 Converses. While it may seem weird to love a canvas shoe, they are my go to choice for foot wear. They are light and versatile; perfect for any condition. You can customize them to your preference making them the ultimate shoe.

#10 I am an adrenaline junkie. Whether it be throught the rush of a rollercoaster falling at about 95 miles an hour, or climbing a sheer face only to jump back down it I love going to extremes. In a few years I plan on going skydiving with my parents.

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